Joint Meeting of County Committees to Review Farmland Preservation Plan

The Portage County Planning and Zoning, Land and Water Conservation, and Agriculture and Extension Education Committees will be meeting jointly on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 to continue their review of the Portage County Farmland Preservation Plan draft. This meeting will focus on the last 20 pages of the draft document, which contain the trends, issues/challenges, and goals and objectives sections of the Plan.

The August 23rd meeting will be held at 6:00 PM in Conference Rooms 1&2, County Annex, 1462 Strongs Avenue, Stevens Point, WI.

08-23-16 Jt Comm Agenda

Schuler Memo 08-11-16

Farmland Preservation Plan 08-23-16 Draft pp 52-74

07-26-16 Draft Jt Comm Minutes

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